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Tactical Rifle 2- open

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Tactical Rifle 2- open

August 2 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Class Description

This class is for shooters who would like to improve their skills on the AR-15/AK47 carbines or other tactical rifle platforms. It builds on the fundamental skills of Tactical Rifle 1 and includes topics such as movement, use of cover and concealment, multiple target acquisition, and transitions to secondary weapons. This class is taught at an outdoor range and can be physically challenging for some shooters. Both steel and paper targets will be employed. No rifle rounds greater than 55-grain are permitted in order to shoot steel.

Students will fire approximately 400 rounds of rifle ammo and 100 rounds of pistol ammo and are required to provide both a rifle and pistol. Required gear includes: Rifle, rifle sling, 3 rifle magazines, rifle magazine pouch, pistol, strong side pistol holster, 3 pistol magazines, pistol magazine pouch, strong belt, eye and ear protection, and required ammo. Optics are not required for this class but are recommended. Knee pads are also recommended

Pistol and/or Rifle rentals are available at a cost of $20 per weapon with advanced notice. Students are still responsible for providing their own ammo.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy

A full refund is available for those who give a minimum of TWO WEEKS notice. “No-shows” will not be allowed a credit or refund.

It is the student’s responsibility to register for a future class if he or she cannot attend the originally scheduled class.  In the rare event a class is rescheduled, you will be automatically enrolled in the next open class.  We will contact you to confirm this.

Safety Policy

Given Agape Tactical’s vigilant focus on Firearms Safety, we do not allow the use of appendix or inside-the-waistband (IWB) holsters in our Tactical Classes.  (Rule 2:  Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.)  If you do not have a strong side outside-the-waistband (OWB) holster we will loan you one for the class.

Agape Tactical and its representatives reserve the right, indeed the duty, to refuse service or to remove individuals who operate in an unsafe or inappropriate manner. Agape Tactical cannot accept applicants who are currently being treated for post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).


August 2
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
, ,


Dickson Range
175 Peeler Dr
Dickson, TN 37055
+ Google Map


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$ 200.00
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