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Personal Defense Training

When seconds count, police are minutes away.


Personal defense skills are no longer a hobby or a sport, they are a necessity. There simply are not enough first responders to protect everyone all the time. In a critical incident, you will have to rely on your personal skills to keep you safe, to escape, or to provide care for the wounded until help arrives.

AGAPE Tactical offers some unique training in personal defense and first aid. Our instructors are experts in their disciplines and teach fundamental, yet highly effective, skills that any person can employ. These skills can level the playing field in a conflict, rendering factors such as size, gender, and strength irrelevant. They can also help you save a life, including your own.

Weapons Disarming

In this 4 hour course students will receive training in how to handle situations that arise where they need to respond to an armed threat in close quarters. This course ends with a practical exercise to put the skills learned in the class to the test using Simunitions.

Minimum number of students: 10

Cost: TBD


Defensive Tactics

This empowering 4-hour class will enable students to learn how to turn their non-aggressive posture, and natural response to fear or surprise, into a weapon. “The flinch” (hands coming up to protect your head) is the body’s natural response to a threat, fear, or surprise. Students will learn how to use the flinch as a defensive tool, then convert it into an offensive weapon. This is not a fighting style, nor is it a martial art. The SPEAR SYSTEM™ is based on a genetic survival reflex and has been turned into a combative science.

The students will also learn a series of combative techniques that are perfectly paired for this system. The last hour of the class, instructors will suit up in a Red Man Suit (padded suit) and allow each student to put their new-found skills to the test under stress-inoculated conditions. This training benefits students who are empowered with the knowledge they can defend themselves. It benefits churches because it is non-aggressive in appearance and helps comply with public perception on use-of-force. This training is great for people of all ages, strengths, and abilities.

Minimum number of students: 10

Cost: TBD


Foundations of Tactical Medicine

This is a practical first aid class teaching students how to provide first aid while waiting for EMS. An Introduction to treating gunshot wounds and Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is also presented during this five hour course. Students should expect to perform many skills during the course including assessment, treating penetrating chest injury, splinting a fracture, and using a tourniquet. Tuition includes a personal trauma kit.

Minimum number of students: 5

Cost: TBD

For More Information Or To Schedule Training, Contact Us At Info@agapetactical.com Or 615-438-9017
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